Egypt continues to surprise me everyday with gifts.... or shall I say, the universe. The past few weeks have been very hard on my body, as I've been having some minor bouts with health... but all in all, I am thankful that the past 5 days have been spiritually uplifting to help in my healing process.
I've had many great opportunities knocking on my door withing one week. First, I went to the First Annual Cairo Jazz Festival. This was a multi-day festival, with events occurring in a couple locations. I chose to go see a jazz trio and internationally-known Fathy Salama- a pianist who leads a band who fuses world and traditional music with jazz and groove... among other things. After the show, I went to congratulate them on a job well done, we got to talking, and he invited me to come jam with his band. Sweet! So, he invited me to his home this coming Sunday to "see what he does, and see what I do..." What do I do?? The universe will lead this question, and I am guided by my happily dancing spirit. I guess I would say overall, my intentions are to heal through music... so, gotta start somewhere. I'm sure he will be a great mentor.
Two days ago, I was blessed with an incoming email from a man, Jim, whom live in Bali. He specializes in the dance there, and leads spiritual tours throughout the world, with another home base in Santa Rosa, CA. He asked if I would be willing to join him on a 2 week tour through sacred Egypt from October 26th-November 11th, 2009. He's paying all expenses to have me come share my spiritual healing knowledge and insure that the group is in great spirit. This is EXACTLY down the path I have always dreamed of. My life is guided by my connection to the world around me through musical vibrations. I am so thankful to have this opportunity. In preparation, I feel it's really important for me to expand in my healing knowledge, so I am trying to find ways to save/earn money in order to attend a 9-day Sound Healing Intensive in Boulder, CO this July... with Sacred Sound Healer Jonathan Goldman. The cost is $1300 (Eeek), so I've got a pretty penny to find. I just know it's important to invest in such things now in order to invest in my future of healing through sound. I am also starting reflexology and Acupressure classes here in Egypt in the next month. Blessed times to come!!!
Then, last night, a great friend of mine, Hope, told me she is eloping with her fiance, Derrell, whom is coming to visit for 2 weeks in April. She asked if I would perform the "ceremony" for them, and help make it the most amazingly sacred time for them. Ministry (on a non-affiliated level) is also something I've always seen in my path. Some sort of shamanic interpretation of offering blessings to those who are willing to receive from their inner souls.... just beautiful! So, I will call it a "Cosmic Unity of Vibrations." How incredible this experience will be! I am honored that she would think of me to help rebirth these two amazing spirits together as one. Life is grand!
School is going really well! Despite being held slightly back by my health, things are looking good. My independent study in Byzantine Chant in relation to the Maqaam is now really taking off. It's so interesting to make relations from different cultures to further solidify that they're all connected. I love getting to know my "past."
Speaking of past, last night I attended an incredible percussion concert by Raquy, an american Tablah player whos energy is enlivening, and spirit sours through her rhythmic interpretations. She leads a group and teaches throughout. She also plays two prediscessors of the violin- Kemenche and Rebab... This got me thinking. I've always had a huge curiosity in learning the ancestors of violin. I brought my violin here in hopes of re-learning and expanding on it... when in reality, I brought it to remind myself of my goals in moving further back in time, and utilizing the strength of my voice. Since I've only had one violin lesson this whole semester, I knew I had to drop it to concentrate on other things. I was reminded last night that my reson for being here was to preserve ancient sacred music and rejuvinate healing instruments of the in ethnomusicological aspects... it is my need to learn the ancestors of the violin! SOOO... she's putting me in touch with her Rebab teacher from here, and I will begin this sacred journey of healing sounds. NEATO!!!!
Life is grand... I can't say it enough. I've been making so many beautiful connections, and am thankful every second for the blessings which surround me.
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